Gillian Ramm: singing teacher and soprano

You are not just a larynx.

My teaching is underpinned by the philosophy that anyone can improve their singing if they can find a teacher that supports them in a way that is curious, compassionate and constructive. Let’s play!

I named my business All Voice because you are all of your voice and your voice is all of you. It is important to consider the whole person and how everything from diet, sleep, exercise, hormonal changes, speaking habits and mental health challenges may impact on voice use. I don’t stick to one, rigid voice “method”. My training as a voice professional is extensive and covers all genres from classical to contemporary, backed up with extensive experience as a professional performer. I know the demands that professional singers face and I’m here for you.

I’m a qualified Vocal Habilitation Professional and Vocal Health First Aider with Vocal Health Education and also work for the company as a course manager. I’ve completed extensive CPD in other areas such as Mindfulness for Singers, Counselling Skills for Singing Teachers, Accent Breathing Method, functional anatomy, vocal acoustics, Sing to Beat Parkinson’s training, teaching young voices and more. I regularly engage with mentoring from some of the world’s best so that I can support my clients in their goals.

If you’re worried about your voice, the biggest hurdle can be reaching out to someone. Often, the fear of the problem is worse than the problem itself. Part of my job is also to refer onwards to a network of trusted professionals depending on what you need.Voice users need support from many angles and I am proud to be part of the team of singing voice practitioners at the multidisciplinary centre Valentine Voice Care in Lewes.

Maintaining optimum vocal wellness doesn’t have to be complex, mysterious or time-consuming. Small steps make a big difference to your stamina and proficiency. Together we can work towards setting up positive and manageable routines that can really make a difference. It’s all about self-compassion and consistency.

As a singer I started out singing pop and rock in function bands in my very early days, but then had a complete change of direction and went on to have a highly successful career as a freelance operatic soprano, working for well-known companies across the UK and Europe! I still sing regularly as a concert soloist.

I am fully DBS checked and a member of the ISM.